
Origins face mask love.

by - Sunday, February 07, 2016

Hello, today I want to talk about something or rather 'some things' that I have been absolutely loving using right now.


Just after Christmas I was walking round John Lewis looking for something to buy as a little post Christmas sale treat. I wasn't really sure what I even wanted to be honest and I was just browsing the general beauty section. Something about this set caught my eye, and at £20ish pounds I was sold. I've  never really used origins products before but the fact that it was a set of four face masks (literally obsessed with face masks!) I was happy to make the purchase. I believe the set was limited edition as I can't seem to find it online anywhere aside this eBay seller, I know that's the least helpful link ever but you get the gist. Anyway! Where was I? I have since tried each mask on more than one occasion and can say that each has great qualities, depending on my skins particular needs (I have combination skin ranging from super oily to dry as hell) which is one of the selling points as I quite often have different skin needs. My favourite has to be the 10 minute rescue. It just feels simply wonderful on the skin, a cooling, refreshing mask that leaves the skin super soft. As seen below. Rather fetching isn't it?


My second favourite is the GinZing mask, again a really refreshing clear mask that leaves skin feeling awake. Nice scent too.

Admittedly, I have used the other two less than the first two, simply because I have enjoyed them both so much. The charcoal one is ok, it's not mind glowingly good but it definitely leaves the skins feeling clean. Lastly, the over night moisture mask. Again a lovely product but as I haven't had much call for a moisturising product lately I find myself reaching for it less. Overall super happy with my purchase, and I would happily pay full price for the first two I mentioned! Thank you for reading.

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