

by - Tuesday, February 08, 2011

hey, sorry I know the posts dried up a little, I had a little splurge a few weeks ago, now I'm up to my old tricks again... I do have valid excuses, I'm back at uni/job hunting/ starting my driving lessons. So yeah, things are getting busy, which is good because it means I'm not lazing around the flat all day but bad because I have less time to blog. I haven't even watched any shaytard videos for a few days! or corrie. lol just shows how sad I am. anyway. yeh, Just bored really. Gave myself a bit of a makeover recently, dyed my hair brown for a start. this was quite big for me as I hadn't dyed it for well over a year, in a bid to grow out the damaged blonde, but I just couldn't stand not dying it anymore. it was really healthy, and I'm glad I gave it a break from the dying but I needed a change of colour, I'm not a fan of my natural colour, (dirty blonde) and the ends we're   lighter from the bleach so I just wanted it all one colour really. anyway. I used the John Frieda Moose, in light brown and then bought some extensions, which I love. so yeah that's it really.



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