

by - Saturday, April 02, 2011

Man, another month has gone by. How did that happen?
I'm really not sure how I feel right now, things seem to be up in the air again. Just when you think you're returning to normality and getting on with life, you realise that actually your not ok. This whole bereavement thing is damn hard. It's just, I don't know. You think you're ok but it's then when you realise, actually no, this is still pretty difficult. In all honesty I don't think I'll be 'ok' for a while yet. But I'm trying.

Anyway. On to less depressing news, everything else is looking up. I finally got a job, after being in London for six months. It's only working in a subway, but to be honest I'm just happy to be earning And lucky to have a job so for now, it'll do just fine.

Also, I'm learning to drive, 4 years after getting my provisional license. I love it though, and hey, I'm actually a pretty good driver. I've passed my theory test so now it's just working towards the practical.

I'm actually writing this post on my ipad2, I have an incredibly generous boyfriend, who also works for apple and managed to get me this on the release date! technically it's my birthday present. Which is in just over a week, ahhhghghg, I'm going to be 21. For some reason that's kinda scary. I'm not overly struck on birthdays so it'll be a reasonably small affair. Anyway back to the iPad. It is amazing. I literally haven't put it down since I got it. I wish that was an exaggeration. You can literally do anything on this thing, I'm even going to try and write some assignments for uni on this thing to see how works out. Which is another thing, I'm nearly done with my first year of uni, which is crazy.

Anyway, I'm not sure what else to say... Maybe I'll try and wirte more posts but I wouldn't get your hopes up :) you know what I'm like.
See you in a month lol

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  1. hey!!
    i awarded you with a versatile blogger award
    check out my post on it

  2. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY and YAY for the iPad2!! I spent a year of my childhood in Leicester! Lived on Heathcott Road (I think?).

  3. I'm having a blog giveaway!


