
cuticle care

by - Monday, July 04, 2011

this is how I got my cuticle from this ^
to this ^

a combination of growing out my nails, which inevitably reduces the amount of damage to my cuticles and these magic items.
I start off using the Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover - this is so easy to use and is unbelieveable good a getting rid of your cuticles, it literally disolves the skin. I tend to leave it on for about half a minute then start to push the cuticles back with the pusher you get in the box. I then go in with my cuticle trimmer and snip of any remaning bits of skin, this doesnt happen that often and I don't like doing it too much as it can cause damage. 
the next product I use if the ELF Nurishing Cuticle Pen - I bought this on a whim and it turned out to be really good, I pretty much just use this whenever I need to, it takes around 30 seconds to pretty much just 'colour in' around your finger nails, and its full of stuff like, grape seed oil, avacado oil and almond oil. it absorbs really quickly and if so easy to just pop in your bag and give your nails a spruce up during the day. For £1.50 I really don't know how you can refuse.
thanks for reading.

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  1. really nice blog! :) if you want we can follow each others!

    I love that cuff on your wrist

  2. amen sister - we all have to take care of our nails. i'm going to have to do this to my boyfriends. haha.

    ps: if you are in the mood for some new beauty products of your choice - check out my GIVEAWAY! :)

    love, rach.
