I use the Neutrogena Visibly Clear range and i buy it from superdrug, each item costs around 4-5 pounds.
I have tried quite a few brands from simple to clean and clear things like that, infact pretty much anything you can find in boots. My skin has never been particularly bad in terms of acne or anything, but i do have combination skin so finding somehting that would help all areas of my face has been difficult. anything with oil in just makes my skin break out and annoyingly anything without oil in drys out my skin! so anyway, i decided to give this range ago, it was on offer in superdrug and i was out of my other stuff so i bought some! two months down the line and im loving it. my skin is much clearer and smoother. i use the 2in1 mask, oil free make up remover, triple action lotion and the oil free moisturiser. and im so far very impressed! the products dont cost very much and they are often on offer (2 for £5 in superdrug) and they actually work! they have a really nice smell to them too!
I would reconmend this range to anyone with combination skin and is prone to break outs. :)

I have tried so many mascaras, that i kind of came to expect every new one i tried to be right for me, it seemed that everyone i tried had something 'wrong' with it. i think i've only ever had two that i would actually buy again. the first one would be loreal telescopic. i loved this mascara. it seperated my lashes, made them longer and gave just the right amount of fullness. i thought that i had found my perfect mascara. untill i bought estee lauders more than mascara. its amazing. it was like the telescopic only about ten times better. it doesnt dry out your lashes or make them really stiff, like i found with so many other mascaras and i dont think you could ever apply too much, it just doesnt clump!

I have tried to make this blog on a few occasions now I don’t know what it is but every time I try something has gone wrong!
Anyway, I’ve basically been trying to write a review on the Urban Decay book of shadows...all I can really say is that it is fabulous and I love it! I implore everybody to get your hands on one. They retail for £25, I got mine from boots but you can get them from other places I’m sure. Now, I was a bit reluctant to part with that amount of money at first, I’m only a student who works at a co-op my budget is hardly massive, however, I saw it and knew that I had to have it. Not only because of the alluring packaging but because it’s the palette that offers the most colours of any of the UD palettes. And when you can spend the same amount on a palette with half the amount of shadows I thought why not!
The quality of the shadow is consistent, they all blend beautifully, and the pigmentation is great. There really is nothing to complain about in my opinion!
this is a review for the collection 2000 dazzle me! collection. I currently have 8 of them! ^ as you can see!
admitedly I was a little sceptical, I hadnt tried any of their products before so didnt really know what to expect, in terms of quality and pigmentation etc. but being the little spendthrift I am I went ahead and added them to my basket!
I first purchased Enchanted (shimmery brown) and Sugar Plum (soft pink with gold reflects)
pleasently supprised by the pigmentation and blendability (is that even a word? haha) i went ahead and bought some more! and...over time...some more! lol
so basically this is where we are today! a small collection of some really nice loose pigments! they come in a good range of colours! and for£2.99 the quality is very good!
they are very soft and blend well. the only problem i have really encountered is the amout of fall out! this is probably more to do with how i apply them then the actual product though! ha
here are a few more pictures!
this is going to be a blog about MAKE-UP!
reviews,photo tutorials, hauls etc.
MY name is Sophie!
make up is something I am infatuated by, sod the credit crunch...I cannot go with buying make up atleast once a week! which is bad! very bad!
so really this is just a quick blog to introduce myself...which in fairness i havnt actually done very well! haha!