
let's get plucking

by - Friday, June 04, 2010

Epilators seem like the scariest thing in the world, let’s not lie. I'm not sure whether it’s the noise it makes or just the whole contraption in general but let’s just say when I first used mine I was less than looking forward to it.
I wanted a change. I got bored of shaving, and the quick regrowth. at first I bought wax strips, but soon tired of them, I seemed to be left with have the wax still stuck to my skin after ripping them off and it was simply too much hassle, I read a few reviews on epilators and pretty much went on to Amazon and bought the cheapest one I could find. It happened to be this one, at a cheerful £17.50.

Not know what to expect I thought I would try it out first on my forearms, just to get an idea of the pain... now this is the worrying but, I kinda liked it.

I went on to do my under arms and yes, it hurt quite a bit more but it was bearable. It was oddly satisfying seeing all the tiny hairs pulled out at the root, if a little disgusting at the same time.
I've had my epilator for about a month, and I’ve really only had to use it on a hand full of occasions I find I can go quite comfortably without using it for about a week and half before I see re growth, which it quite good for me as I’d usually need to shave about 3 times a week. So rather than this being a review on the particular epilator I bought, (which does do a good job but I’m guessing there are much better ones out there....) it is a review on epilating in general, for me I don’t think I’d go back to shaving now, whether it’s the sado masochist in me or whether it really is a better method of hair removal...

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  1. I think Braun is typically a good brand. I shave just cause its convenient. I could wax but never take the time.

  2. Yeah, I'm liking the Braun epilator so far, I think generally shaving is more convenient but for me I wanted longer results. Never a fan of waxing though... at least you can moderate the pain when it comes to epilating but once that wax strip is on there's only one way to get it off! :) xx
