

by - Thursday, July 01, 2010

I had to pop into town earlier, and for once it was actually my boyfriend that needed to go to boots, but I couldn't leave empty handed now... so I went over to the Barry M stand after remembering a notd I'd seen using the BM polish in Berry Ice Cream, I'm quite a fan of the lilac shades and was sure I didn't have one like this already ;). ppft. anyway. they are on offer at the moment, 2 for £5, so obviously I had to get two right! I actually went for a shade that I deffinatly do not have already which is, mushroom. now, I'm not sure about this colour yet. it just doesn't seem like a shade you would wear on your nails? its a nice colour im just not sure about it on my nails anyway. it seems alot darker on the nail as well. ANYWAY. I'm loving the berry shade. alot.

I'm going though a nail growing stage, for along time I kept them really short and un-manicured, purely because I was at college and I couldn't wear polish for work so it seemed pointless. but now im off college, I can start looking after them again and wearing all my nice colours again. yay. I use Sally Hansen nailgrowth miracle, which I swear by. This is seriously an amazing product. I've notice an increase in price recently though, it used to be around £5 but now its near enough £8-9 so its pretty pricey but I would deffinatly pay full price just because I know I will get results. having said that I was just having a loot on ebay and found some on buy it now for £1.50 each so I bought two! including p&p it cost £6 for two bottles so im pretty pleased with that. I will do a more detailed review if anyone is interested.


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  1. Those colours are pretty, need to go check them out :) x

  2. yeah, the formulation is a bit dodgy but the colours are pretty nice!
