

by - Saturday, June 23, 2012

It would seem that I am developing a little bit of an obsession with mint green nail polishes… so I thought I'd do a post showing you a few of my favourites. 
Rimmel Lycra Pro - Peppermint, Bourjois So Laque - Bleu Model

Nail Pop - Vintage, Essie - Mint Candy Apple
Barry M Nail Paint - Mint Green, Maxfactor - Cool Jade
Primark Nail Polish - Mint Green, All About Nails - Mint Snow
Collection Hot Looks - Button Moon

I thought about writing a little low down of each one but through fear of repeating myself, I won't bother… basically, they are all a minty… green colour! and the differences between then aren't actually that significant, other than that they are slightly varying shades of mint green and opacity. What I've found with minty shades is that it can often be a deceptive little fiend… meaning that it doesn't always end up what it looks like in the bottle, (Take the Boujois Bleu Model for example, looks lovely in the bottle… but needs about 4 coats before it's opaque, as much as I love painting my nails I don't particularly want to sit around all day waiting for it to dry to have to do another coat!) But I suppose that could be said for any bottle of nail polish. I would say though, if I were to recommend you buy any of these it would have to be either Essie or Look Beauty Nail Pop, as to me they are both faultless and apply like a dream. 

Anyway, as always Thank You for reading. 
Do you have a favourite mint polish?

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