
Sunday Six

by - Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's that time of the week again, it seems to come around fast these days!

Song - I'm not going to lie, I'm a big fan of Daniel Bedingfield. There I said it. I just love his voice and his personality, He recently made what I guess would be called a 'comeback' which delighted me no end! He released Stop The Traffik - Secret Fear EP in April this year and I instantly fell in love. My favourite song is actually Secret Fear, which is my song choice for this week. You can download the EP free from his website Here should you wish!

Book or TV - I'm going for another book this week. After finishing the fifty shades trilogy I went in search of my next read… which is The Fault In Our Stars - John Green. I know I'm a little late to this party but better late than never right! I'm about 2/3rds of the way through so far and I'm really enjoying it. 

Blog or Youtuber - This week I'm going to share with you a 'youtuber' I discovered hayzbetts this week and I have been loving her videos, I think she is gorgeous! 

Product - I have been loving the Wonder Eye Cream from Balance Me, Which I actually got free with this months Glamour. It claims to tighten, smooth and brighten the delicate skin around the eyes, as I've only been using it for around two weeks I can't say that I've noticed a dramatic difference in the appearance of the fine lines around my eyes yet but it definitely brightens the dark circles and makes my eyes look less tired! Mega bonus that it was free!

Photo - This week I haven't taken any notable pictures as I've mostly been lazing around the flat! But I have been digitising all our old family photos, by manually scanning them into our computer! a laborious task but enjoyable none the less (a post to follow about this little project) anyway I have an abundance of photographs that I have 'liked' this week, but alas this post only calls for one.. so I shall have to choose this one… I'm not even sure what it is that I like about this photograph but I do, this is 2/3 of my older brothers taken in around 1984? I just love the composition, and their cheeky little faces!

Dislike of the week - my dislike of the week actually goes to this segment of the blog post! I'm just not sure I like the idea of having to choose and document something that has displeased me! I want to try and be more positive in my outlook and I just feel like this isn't helping that! Plus I generally can't think of only one thing to moan about! So from now on I think I'll replace the 'dislike' with another topic!

So there we go… 6 things that I felt the need to mention this week, I hope you've all had a good week, and once again
Thank you for reading. x

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