
abbieandbrian Contest. Leopard Eyes

by - Sunday, March 01, 2009

Yes, leopard eyes have been done before, but I love the look. so here is an entry for the contest, I'm sorry the pictures are quite bad quality, I have a 10MP cam and they still come out blury! lol anyway here are some pictures!

(click to see larger images)

What I used:

Base - NYX Jumbo Pencil - Milk
Lid - GOSH Effect Powder - Meringue
Outer Corner - Collection 2000 Dazzle Me! - Sugerplum
Leopard Spots - UD Liquid Liner
Color in spots - GOSH Effect Powder - Purple Rain
Lash Line - GOSH Velvet Touch Liner - Purple Stain
Water Line - Kajal Eyeliner

GOSH - Velvet Touch Lipstick - Darling

Foundation - GOSH X-CEPTIONAL Wear - 12 Natural
Powder - GOSH Pressed Powder - 02 So Natural
Blush - GOSH Natural Blush - 37 True Cinnamon

Wow I used quite a few GOSH Products didn't I? I hadn't noticed untill I wrote all that out lol!

I know this didnt turn out perfect, but it was my first time ever attempting leopard print so I don't think I did too badly.

hope you enjoyed, any questions etc comment me :)

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  1. Thank You for the entry :)
    the leopard print is amazing!
    Good Luck in the Comp :)


  2. looks great! how are you liking the GOSH foundation?

  3. I'm really like the foundation actually, I've been applying it with my too faced kabuki brush and it goes on really well with that supprisingly. I bought the GOSH foundation primer at the same time and they work well together, Ive wanted the primer for ages but couldnt justify spending £13 on it, but GOSH is 3for2 at the min, and I was after a new foundation/powder anyway so just got all three!

    ^ woah life story. hahaha, to cut a long story short, I really like the foundation lol


  4. i was thinking of trying for the contest,but looking at your entry,i think mine might suck in comparison.lol

    really love the leopard eyemakeup.very creative.

    thanks for subscribing too btw!much love <3
