

by - Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello, I'm sorry post's have been a bit thin on the ground recently. Just a quick update really... I've been off college for Easter and have been doing NOTHING for about two weeks, literally...nothing. It's great. :)

It was my birthday the other day, and I had a little bit of money given to me. I was 19. I wanted to buy a new bag and I'd seen a few in River Island that took my fancy.

It was love at first sight. I'd hadn't originally seen this bag I think its new in, it was £29.99 so not too expensive and its HUGE. litterally. massive. which is how I like them :)

In 'real life' its a baby pink, with a hot pink lining, not the orange-y color in the picture.

I picked up a few bits from boots while I was in town, I went to the advantage point machine and printed a few vouchers, one being the Free No7 Highlights Powder(when you buy any other No7 Product)and with No7 being on 3 for 2, it worked out that I only actually paied for one product and got the two others free :) I originally got both of the Highlight powders, 3 metalic eyeliners(purple,Blue & Turqoise and one Liquid liner but I gave a highlight powder and the purple metalic eyeliner to my
boyfriends Mum. I think I'll go back and re-purchase those though as I'm impressed with the others I bought.

I'm off to Tesco's now though so may well bring some goodies back with me :D


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