
Nude Lips.

by - Monday, April 06, 2009

I have never been able to wear nude lipstick. Untill recently every nude lipstick i bought just didnt suit me. I found that because my lips are naturally quite red that I just wasn't able to pull it off. I love the idea of nude lips so I didn't end my search, I bought a turquise dress recently and thought that a nice pinky nude lipstick would go well with it so my search began again and actually it was supprisingly easy to find. I'd seen another post about this lipstick so when shopping one day I decided to have a look at it for myself. It was Rimmel's Volume Booster Lipstick in Foxy. I instantly fell in love with the color and it was exactly the shade i'd been after.

It's have a really nice creamy consistancy, and because its 'volume boosting' a nice colling sensation.

Im just really happy that I've managed to find a nude lipstick I can wear. so for that reason alone it's love


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