
evening all...

by - Thursday, January 20, 2011

just fancied a bit of an update post tbh. 

I wanted to show you the necklace I ordered from *DAINTY*DOLLYMIX*


on another note, I'm on a mission to grow my nails again. I go through phases of wanting really long nails and growing them for months then I seem to have a bit of a fit and chew them all off again. I don't know why, but sometimes I like to just start again. for 17 years of my life I chewed my nails right down, sometimes until they bled, yes I know that it's disgusting but it was a habit I couldn't break.  anyway we're just starting week two of the 'grow' after having an 'episode' and chewing them right down to nothing.

I really don't know why blogger decides to flip my pictures, I don't know how to rotate sorry!

my secret weapons? the above. these two babies have been my nail saviours, and I have no doubts in their ability to perform. the nail growth miracle, it just that a miracle! I don't know how but it just works, my nails grow so much more quickly(which I guess you would expect from a nail growth formula) The nail envy is also another wonder product for me, when I used the matte version last year my nails we're literally unbreakable. I would sometimes have difficulty actually clipping them. sounds like slight exaggeration but it isn't. anyway I recently bought the original after not replenishing my other bottle for quite some time. I'll do an update post in a few weeks time to show you how I'm getting on.!
anyway, It's rather late so I'm going to jump into bed and have a bit of a read, I've literally just started to read a book called Room by Emma Donoghue, so maybe I'll do a book review once I've read it obviously. 

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