
Hey, just a ramble...

by - Saturday, January 22, 2011

SO today has been... I don't know how to explain... put it this way I spent 3 hours watching corrie, and the shaytards this morning then decided I wanted to get up, so proceeded to clean our room, after not very long and having done very little cleaning I then wanted to go on a bike ride, an hour later I came home played on my kinect for about 20 mins and then pretty much got back into bed again, where I proceeded to watch more videos/forest gump, until it got to the part where he breaks free from his leg braces and starts running. this led me to have the sudden urge to run. a few months ago I d/l the get running app, did it once and never really bothered again. Until tonight. I've just gotten back, and it's actually pretty nackering, for someone whose never really ran before and only just getting back into exercise... I feel really good though, which is positive. I'm going to try and continue with this, as I've been wanting to 'get running' as it were for quite a while. it's reasonably quiet where I live and pretty safe so I should be ok! probably wasn't my greastest idea to go for a job in the dark though...

anyway. so yeah, today I've kind gone from one extreme to the other, lying in bed to doing full blown exercise...
The boy should be home from work by now so I should probably go and chase him up!

ciao x

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