Merry Christmas Everyone :D
These questions came from a youtube video, so here goes...
TAG questions:
1.Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? has to be Home Alone... but there are so many!
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Colour? I hate Green, and Red is a bit boring too... I like Blues at christmas, and anything glittery!
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? I love dressing up, I like to wear something a bit swish, and pop on some heels.
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? this isn't a very festive question! no one should go without presents! probably my nieces(they count as one person becasue they're only small!) or my mum.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning? How is it possible to open presents before Santa has even been, obviously i open them on christmas morning! haha
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? nope, and to be honest its not something I'm inclined to do either.
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break? surround myself with the people I love and enjoy their company. Good food doesn't go a miss either.
8. Any Christmas Wishes? the usual, world peace etc.
9. Favorite Christmas Smell? pretty much any kind of food being cooked, haha or the christingles!
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat? everything becomes a treat at this time of year!
11. What are you doing for the holidays this year? Going home to my BFs family.
3) What's your favorite holiday drink? mulled wine is nice.
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men? candy cane
5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song? Slade or The Pogues
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received? a painted lightbulb
7) Have you ever made a snowman? yes, and then blown it up... :)
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance? something musky and rich.
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!) I really have no idea what I 'want' this year...
10) What is most important to you about the holidays? Family oh and Jesus. haha.
TAG questions:
1.Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? has to be Home Alone... but there are so many!
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Colour? I hate Green, and Red is a bit boring too... I like Blues at christmas, and anything glittery!
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? I love dressing up, I like to wear something a bit swish, and pop on some heels.
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? this isn't a very festive question! no one should go without presents! probably my nieces(they count as one person becasue they're only small!) or my mum.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning? How is it possible to open presents before Santa has even been, obviously i open them on christmas morning! haha
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? nope, and to be honest its not something I'm inclined to do either.
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break? surround myself with the people I love and enjoy their company. Good food doesn't go a miss either.
8. Any Christmas Wishes? the usual, world peace etc.
9. Favorite Christmas Smell? pretty much any kind of food being cooked, haha or the christingles!
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat? everything becomes a treat at this time of year!
11. What are you doing for the holidays this year? Going home to my BFs family.
3) What's your favorite holiday drink? mulled wine is nice.
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men? candy cane
5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song? Slade or The Pogues
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received? a painted lightbulb
7) Have you ever made a snowman? yes, and then blown it up... :)
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance? something musky and rich.
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!) I really have no idea what I 'want' this year...
10) What is most important to you about the holidays? Family oh and Jesus. haha.
No, it's nothing rude!
I went for my first shellac appointment the other day (which I loved btw) I never thought I'd pay for something I can pretty much do myself, which tends to be the way with me, I'm pretty tight and begrudge paying for things! Ha anyway, after I paid the lady she wished me a merry Christmas and handed me a little tube of complementary hand cream. Nice touch.
I popped it in my bag and went on my merry way. I'd forgotten about it until today, and thought why not, it didn't smell offensive and my hands were feeling a little dry. It absorbed really quickly and left my hands feeling very very soft! now usually, as is the way with hand creams after a few hours your hands feel dry again, or at least mine do. Major culprit of that is Vaseline hand and nail cream which you pretty much need to apply constantly if you want soft hands. With this cream my hands felts beautifully soft all day and protected from the cold winds outside! I've never had a hand cream that has been as good as this, and I've only used it a few times! It's amazing. I've had creams that absorb nicely but nothing compares to this. There's nothing worse than slippery, greasy hands. With this you are left with super soft feeling hands, it is a body lotion too but as I only have a 20ml tube I'm not sure it would go very far! You don't need a huge amount either. I just can't get over it. I'm currently looking online for a full sized version that I can get my mitts on! Seriously, go out and find this. I believe they sell it in Sally's beauty supply, or at least that is what their website says, I have yet to investigate further, if that's the case I'm hot trotting it down to Sally's ASAP! I might do a separate post on my shellac experience if anyone's interested? Thanks for reading. xo
I went for my first shellac appointment the other day (which I loved btw) I never thought I'd pay for something I can pretty much do myself, which tends to be the way with me, I'm pretty tight and begrudge paying for things! Ha anyway, after I paid the lady she wished me a merry Christmas and handed me a little tube of complementary hand cream. Nice touch.
I popped it in my bag and went on my merry way. I'd forgotten about it until today, and thought why not, it didn't smell offensive and my hands were feeling a little dry. It absorbed really quickly and left my hands feeling very very soft! now usually, as is the way with hand creams after a few hours your hands feel dry again, or at least mine do. Major culprit of that is Vaseline hand and nail cream which you pretty much need to apply constantly if you want soft hands. With this cream my hands felts beautifully soft all day and protected from the cold winds outside! I've never had a hand cream that has been as good as this, and I've only used it a few times! It's amazing. I've had creams that absorb nicely but nothing compares to this. There's nothing worse than slippery, greasy hands. With this you are left with super soft feeling hands, it is a body lotion too but as I only have a 20ml tube I'm not sure it would go very far! You don't need a huge amount either. I just can't get over it. I'm currently looking online for a full sized version that I can get my mitts on! Seriously, go out and find this. I believe they sell it in Sally's beauty supply, or at least that is what their website says, I have yet to investigate further, if that's the case I'm hot trotting it down to Sally's ASAP! I might do a separate post on my shellac experience if anyone's interested? Thanks for reading. xo
I nipped into boots on the way home from work and the 17 stand had a little offer, whereby if you bought two products you got a free gift. This is a regular occurrence with this brand and it's usually consists of some sort of mail polish kit, this was no exception and they are currently giving away a kit containing three polishes and a nail file, in a but little purse thing, if I was organized I would have pictured all if this but as it stands, I haven't. Any who, the three polishes are a red, a black and a glitter top coat. The top coat is really pretty, the other two are pretty standard. The black is not fully opaque and can be quite difficult to apply but by the second/third coat it turns out fine with a nice shine! I digress. I'm not one to wear black alone so decided to layer glitter on top, a look I've seen before but never thought of doing! I have to say I love it. I used the 17 glitter top coat, and another glitter polish by collection 2000. Another product I feel I should mention is the NYC in a New York Minute nail polish, in grand central station. This is a clear polish, not advertised as being a top coat but it is one of the best top/clear coats I've ever used. It's beating Seche Vite by miles so far, and I thought that was a tough one to beat! seriously amazing, it dries quickly and its super hard wearing, and possibly the best part is that it's only £1.79. Like. Wow. I Love it. It was recommended by a lovely subscriber of mine, so thank you! Glitter polish is devilishly hard to photograph, but I tried! The blurred ones kind of show the sparkle a little so that's why I included them!
I nipped into boots on the way home from work and the 17 stand had a little offer, whereby if you bought two products you got a free gift. This is a regular occurrence with this brand and it's usually consists of some sort of mail polish kit, this was no exception and they are currently giving away a kit containing three polishes and a nail file, in a but little purse thing, if I was organized I would have pictured all if this but as it stands, I haven't. Any who, the three polishes are a red, a black and a glitter top coat. The top coat is really pretty, the other two are pretty standard. The black is not fully opaque and can be quite difficult to apply but by the second/third coat it turns out fine with a nice shine! I digress. I'm not one to wear black alone so decided to layer glitter on top, a look I've seen before but never thought of doing! I have to say I love it. I used the 17 glitter top coat, and another glitter polish by collection 2000. Another product I feel I should mention is the NYC in a New York Minute nail polish, in grand central station. This is a clear polish, not advertised as being a top coat but it is one of the best top/clear coats I've ever used. It's beating Seche Vite by miles so far, and I thought that was a tough one to beat! seriously amazing, it dries quickly and its super hard wearing, and possibly the best part is that it's only £1.79. Like. Wow. I Love it. It was recommended by a lovely subscriber of mine, so thank you! Glitter polish is devilishly hard to photograph, but I tried! The blurred ones kind of show the sparkle a little so that's why I included them!
it's currently 2.31am and I am sloggin away trying to get an essay written. the joys of uni life. I felt like I needed a minute to just collate my thoughts, and writing blogs post can often help restore calm, you see, i'm fine when it comes to writing about stuff I know about, and find interesting, but when it comes to the majority of my uni assignments i feel completly out of my depth and pretty much just a failure, ahah. anyway
hopefully by the time anyone reads this i will be finished! i just feel like its so mentally taxing. when you acutally have to think about what you write. its crazy, i can sit an write a 1500 work blog post about lipstick for example, but then it comes to something remotley academic and im stumped. it takes me about three days to even work up to starting an essay usually. haha. im not sure how much sense this post will make, its late and tbh i dont care that much right now. i may come back an go through all the grammar when i can be arsed.
im loozing this will a little bit tbh. lol
UNI IS TOO HARD> or maybey its that i just dont put in enough effort?
im sticking with the first one. its not me. its you.
ok, i guess i should get back to my essay then. only about 500 words left, which doesnt sound that much, and tbh if i just got on with it probably wont take too long either.its just quite difficult when you dont actually know what your talking about? which is a lot of the time for me.
oh well
hopefully by the time anyone reads this i will be finished! i just feel like its so mentally taxing. when you acutally have to think about what you write. its crazy, i can sit an write a 1500 work blog post about lipstick for example, but then it comes to something remotley academic and im stumped. it takes me about three days to even work up to starting an essay usually. haha. im not sure how much sense this post will make, its late and tbh i dont care that much right now. i may come back an go through all the grammar when i can be arsed.
im loozing this will a little bit tbh. lol
UNI IS TOO HARD> or maybey its that i just dont put in enough effort?
im sticking with the first one. its not me. its you.
ok, i guess i should get back to my essay then. only about 500 words left, which doesnt sound that much, and tbh if i just got on with it probably wont take too long either.its just quite difficult when you dont actually know what your talking about? which is a lot of the time for me.
oh well
There is very little point to this post other than to get out of doing uni work for a little bit. Oops.
It's been a marginally stressful week, and it isn't over yet. To be fair it's all self inflicted as I have a tendency of leaving things up until the last minute, and find myself in a desperate rush to get everything done in time. The thing is with uni, you actually have to put in a little bit of effort, don't get me wrong I appreciate the value of doing this degree and it is important, its just... Well... I don't know, my hearts not it in this semester. At the beginning of the year it started off looking like it could be a really good semester (interesting modules etc) and then there was a little mishap that resulted in having to change a few modules etc. again this is all my fault so I only have myself to blame, but it doesn't make it any better. Anyway, I've found this semester really quite hard and the modules are not ones I would have chosenin an ideal world. It's been a struggle and it's had me questioning my abilities a lot over the last few weeks. I think I've always known I'm not the most academic person, I've always achieved average grades (apart from in drama, for some reason I did well on that course!) been an average student, and part of me wonders if maybe I put more effort in, would it make any difference, or am I just not very academic? Is this my fate? I'm not sure what I'm getting at here. But I think I'm ok with being middle of the road, you know? I'm not dumb, but I'm not particularly clever either, I think my biggest problem is articulating what I mean, I really struggle in certain situations to get across exactly what It is I want to say, I end up making a mountain out of a molehill and still not really getting the message across. I think a lot of this has to do with confidence and self esteem, or rather lack of it. I just always feel like what I have to say is stupid, or unimportant and I think this comes across when I'm writing assignments, I never fully believe in myself, and my abilities and therefore put less effort in because i dont think I'm capable of anything more. Back to the point, basically I think im ok with this because I don't think being intelligent and articulate define you as a person, or make you who you are. sure it's useful, and probably makes you a lot more interesting but personally there's a lot more to life than education, and having a successful career and earning a big pay packet at the end of the year. I'm not saying these are bad things, and I respect people that choose this path, it's hard work. But in the end, what's all that hard work for? What do you get out of it that makes it so important and worthwhile?
Woah, now I'm suitably rambling.
I suppose I should get back on with my uni work. This shit won't write itself.
Here's a picture to make this post less boring, haha.
This was taken shortly before having a mental breakdown Over the amount of uni work I still have to do ahaha.
It's been a marginally stressful week, and it isn't over yet. To be fair it's all self inflicted as I have a tendency of leaving things up until the last minute, and find myself in a desperate rush to get everything done in time. The thing is with uni, you actually have to put in a little bit of effort, don't get me wrong I appreciate the value of doing this degree and it is important, its just... Well... I don't know, my hearts not it in this semester. At the beginning of the year it started off looking like it could be a really good semester (interesting modules etc) and then there was a little mishap that resulted in having to change a few modules etc. again this is all my fault so I only have myself to blame, but it doesn't make it any better. Anyway, I've found this semester really quite hard and the modules are not ones I would have chosenin an ideal world. It's been a struggle and it's had me questioning my abilities a lot over the last few weeks. I think I've always known I'm not the most academic person, I've always achieved average grades (apart from in drama, for some reason I did well on that course!) been an average student, and part of me wonders if maybe I put more effort in, would it make any difference, or am I just not very academic? Is this my fate? I'm not sure what I'm getting at here. But I think I'm ok with being middle of the road, you know? I'm not dumb, but I'm not particularly clever either, I think my biggest problem is articulating what I mean, I really struggle in certain situations to get across exactly what It is I want to say, I end up making a mountain out of a molehill and still not really getting the message across. I think a lot of this has to do with confidence and self esteem, or rather lack of it. I just always feel like what I have to say is stupid, or unimportant and I think this comes across when I'm writing assignments, I never fully believe in myself, and my abilities and therefore put less effort in because i dont think I'm capable of anything more. Back to the point, basically I think im ok with this because I don't think being intelligent and articulate define you as a person, or make you who you are. sure it's useful, and probably makes you a lot more interesting but personally there's a lot more to life than education, and having a successful career and earning a big pay packet at the end of the year. I'm not saying these are bad things, and I respect people that choose this path, it's hard work. But in the end, what's all that hard work for? What do you get out of it that makes it so important and worthwhile?
Woah, now I'm suitably rambling.
I suppose I should get back on with my uni work. This shit won't write itself.
Here's a picture to make this post less boring, haha.
This was taken shortly before having a mental breakdown Over the amount of uni work I still have to do ahaha.
This is just a quick post to showcase a mascara I bought about a month or two ago now. I didn't use it at first because I was still using up another one, but I did wear it on and off. This is the Benefit 'They're Real' mascara and I believe I paid around £17, certainly the most I've ever spent of a mascara, I was obviously feeling frivolous that day.
The packaging is a nice, pewter effect.
The brush is pretty standard though it does have little nubbly bits on the end, (technical term there!) but I wouldn't say it performs any better than other mascaras I've tried before. Which for the price you'd expect more. That's not to say I don't like it, I think you'll agree it does a pretty good job on my lashes and I wouldn't say I was disappointed but it's not really blowing me away. I could spend a lot less on a mascara that could give me the same results basically.
Overall a nice mascara. But worth the £17 price tag? I'm not convinced.
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click for larger images. |
Oh and excuse the eyebrows. I hadn't filled them in when the picture was taken. I know they say your eyebrows should be 'sisters not twins' but mine aren't even related! I just have two completely different eyebrows, can you guess which one I favor? Anyway here are the pictures. I'm sorry my posts have been a little sloppy lately, I've been using the blogger app on my phone to write them and it's pretty basic, so I haven't been able to make them look reasonably acceptable! Oh well. Thank you for reading cx