
Damn it

by - Monday, August 13, 2012

I forgot to do my Sunday Six AGAIN! I guess it'll have to be a Monday Six instead!


Song - This week it goes to The National Anthem, I've been loving the Olympics and getting all patriotic whenever one of our athletes took to the stand to be awarded a gold medal. I love the Queen and the royal family, not going to lie! God save the queen.

Book - Last week I finished reading Before I Fall, which is a book about a teenage girl who dies in a car crash and has to relive her last day on earth over and over again. You start of not liking her at all because she comes across as a stuck up spoilt brat, but but the end of the book you get to see many different sides to her. It was a good read, nothing too heavy... Apart from the fact that's she's dead I guess.

TV - This week I caught up on the latest episodes of Breaking Bad that I hadn't seen yet, and it's just wicked. (Ha, 90s kid or what! Wicked man!) I love that show.

BBlogger - I haven't really found anyone new that I like this week... So I'll just give a shutout the the latest person to follow my blog... Which is... Amanda Johansson thank you for following

Product - My product of the week is technically two products... I'll be doing a full review of these soon but wanted to mention them already... John Frieda Full Repair shampoo and conditioner. My hair has been loving these recently and I'm nearly finished so I'll need to buy replacements! Boo!

Photo - This weeks picture is one I took whilst out in Horsham with my Aunty and Brother, we walked down a really cute alley way that reminded me of something from Harry Potter! Plus the filter I used on the picture is called Hagrid so it seemed fitting!

So there we go another six things I have liked over the week, if a little late!

Thank you for reading. X

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