
DIY Temporary Tattoos

by - Thursday, August 23, 2012

I just thought I'd share with you a little trick I've just learnt.
I can't remember what the website was that I saw this on and some of you may already be aware of it. Basically it's a DIY temporary tattoo that is super easy!
The slightly harder way dictates that you will need tracing paper, rubbing alcohol, liquid eye liner and liquid plaster spray.
For that method you basically print out the design you want to wear, trace over it with a pen and position it whereever you want it, I believe you then rub the design with the alcohol so that it transfers to the skin, after which you can trace over it with your liquid eye liner and proceed to the next step.

I've just tried doing my own tat, but I just did it freehand as it is writing anyway, so if you just fancy doing it that way it's fine. All I did, after I was done creating my design was wait for it to completley dry and spray it with the liquid plaster spray! Not overly generously but a good layering.
After it had dried again, I just dusted some translucent powder over the top, as it was a little too shiny and to dull down the black a little.
That was it, I'm not sure how long it will last but it's a cheap alternative to having the real thing, or just trying on a design for size if you are thinking of having an actual tattoo, or even a fun way to accessorize on a night out.
I'm kinda tempted to go and get this done, but I'm not sure my mother would approve of me getting another one! (I only have two small ones though) :)

Thank you for reading.

P.S Happy 200th blog post to me!!

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  1. Wow this looks really cool(:

    follow my blog maybe?
