

by - Saturday, January 31, 2009

So after telling myself I wouldn't spend any money before I go to London, I did go shopping today. In fairness I didn't buy very much at all so don't really feel that bad!

We only have one sally's in Leicester...and it happens to be in quite a rough shopping centre, but its there none the less. They still have the CHI sale on in there which surprised me because its been on for ages. Originally I went in to get a nigger silk infusion (the one I have is a sample size and will run out soon!) But they didn't have any left :( I wasn't going to leave empty handed, that's not my style. After looking round for ages trying to find something I went back to the CHI stand and picked up the 'Curl Preserve System' leave in conditioner, which is a bit like the Keratin mist but is meant to de-tangle your curls and make them nice etc...and that was half price. £4something. Yay. I'll do a proper review on that at some point.

Then I went to boots, I had a £5 voucher for no.7 that needed to be used by today so just picked up a brow pencil in blonde. Ironically, I have really rubbish eyebrows and are practically non existent. I want them to be thicker! how do you make your eyebrows grow!? haha.

Then I just got a new eyelash curler(by Red? £5.79! quite expensive for me...ah well) and a tony and guy rapid response leave in conditioner in there travel size, which, might I add is actually quite big, it lasts me a long time anyway. I love it. Its amazing. I'll do a review on that one day too.

...and that was it really. I wasn't in the mood to shop, but I can't go into a shop and not buy anything.

oh one more thing, I keep hearing about Revlon's Colourstay Foundation so obviously I need to buy it. I've just bought one from Ebay, in Ivory so I'll give my opinions on that when it arrives :)

That's pretty much it for now. I might get round to doing an EOTD tomorrow.

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