

by - Sunday, January 11, 2009

so its been a while...I don't have an excuse for not posting anything tbh, but...I'm ready to give this blog malarkey another shot.
having said that...now I don't know what to write...

I'll start with a few things I LOVE atm:

1. my new bag from asos.com
£12 in the sales

(it's huge! I might do a W.I.M.B post when ive managed to fill it with more crap)

2. Boujoirs 10 hour sleep effect foundation

I love this foundation atm, great coverage, it doesn't accentuate my pores and lasts for a long time. its really light so I hardly notice that I'm wearing it. (I may do a more detailed review of this)

3. Botanics Purifying Face Scrub for Normal or Oily Skin

this was a chance buy, I got it as part of a set...it came with a few other things like a moisturiser and a body wash among other things in a big case, the first time i used it i noticed a massive difference, my skin was really smooth, and where other products aimed at oily skin would often dry out my skin this one didnt. it's made from all natural ingredients which has made a massive difference to me anyway

4. Curious - Britney Speares

This is a recurrent purchase for me. I just love this scent, it is described as 'exhilarating white floral accented with Louisiana Magnolia and wrapped in the sensuality of vanilla-infused musk'
I get so may compliments when I wear it and people are always surprised when i tell them what im wearing.

5. MAC nail lacquer - Steamy

I love the colour of this lacquer. simply gorgeous. I bought Shirelle nail lacquer by mac not so long ago and immediately fell in love, the colour, the quality everything was just perfect for me. I was having a look on e bay for some nail polishes and stumbled across Steamy going for about £2...well I had to didn't it. I'm wearing it now and loving it. its bright and fun!

now, some things I'm not loving so much,
1. I only got paid last week and seem to have no money left...AND I cant work out how ive spent
it all.
2. The weather...WHAT?! Its freezing. >:\
3. That stupid IDIOT that dressed up as Madeline Mccann for a fancy dress party. WHY? what the hell was going through his mind...? at what point did he think that would be appropriate? dick
4. The fact that both side of my make up mirror have broken...and i have no money to by a new one
5. err...can't think of a fifth...

so yeh...that is all


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  1. Ooooh, I love that bag! I've been after a decent black bag for forever...hope it's still there!x
