
project tan

by - Thursday, January 15, 2009

so today I applied a fake tan.
it looks OK so far and seems to be developing quite nicely and evenly.
its the st tropez gift set I told you about in an earlier post. I exfoliated using the S.T exfoliator. (which is really nice btw - quite abrasive but leaves the skin feeling so smooth then sprayed on the 'instant tan' which again I'm impressed with.this is my first time applying a fake tan and I'm surprised at how easy it has been. the colour is really nice so far, I don't look like David Dickinson yet anyway...
I think I'll give the 'tan intensifier' a try tomorrow as well, once the actual colour has developed properly.

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  1. haha! i need some fake tan too i think!!

  2. well the set I picked up is great, and cheap...you can get it on the website still I think but not sure about in store, when I went in there was only two left. :)
