
of late...

by - Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hi, Just felt like doing a bit of an update post. I'm in Leicester at the minute, Fred (the other half) is away skiing with his dad/brother and friends so I came to stay with his mummy.
I'm currently sat with the dogs, A big smelly Bull Mastiff and  an equally smelly Jack Russell. I love them really. for some reason.

I checked out The Body Shop when passing through Paddington Station the other day and picked up this Sheer Lip Colour, its a really pretty coral pink. its really creamy too and I love it. they have quite a good sale on the make up at the minute so I might check out more, they only had a little bit left at that store but if you spend more than £15 online its free delivery.

whilst out walking the dogs I saw this facing down in the muddy grass, recently me and various member of the family have gotten into the words with friends app, (username is sogexo if you think your hard enough!) and it got me wanting a scrabble tile ring/necklace I've seen them around and think they look really cute. anyway, when I saw this little thing I was like 'oohh that looks familure!' and when I turned it over it had the letter F, which is either a massive coincidence a reminder of how much I'm missing Fred
I ventured into Primark the other day, I literally hadn't been to one since moving to London as there just never seems to be one where ever I am, I was out in central and thought I'd go to the Oxford Street store. it wasn't as hellish as I had imagined and the queue wasn't evil either, it was surprisingly pleasant. I only picked up a few things, (a bag, two bras etc) and one other thing, this really pretty charm bracelet. I'm not a big wearer jewellery but this is just my style. its so cute I love it. the big heart locket actually opens too. it was only £2.50.

These pictures we're edited using the Instagram App on my iPhone. Anyway, yeah, these are just a few things I'm liking atm. I've been reading more recently and have been wanting book recommendations, I've ordered three from Amazon based on other bloggers reviews etc, they are Essays in Love, The Sky is Everywhere and Room. all quite different, I have quite varied tastes when it comes to books. I'm toying with the idea of getting a Kindle but I'm not sure, I love the physicality of reading and having real life pages to turn etc. sounds weird but I'm not sure I could give that up! if anyone else has other recommendations then feel free to comment. anyway, my student loan came in yesterday so I've got some online shopping to do.
ta tarrxx

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  1. Cute dog.
    I love sheer lip colors. I layer them over liner to get a different shade.

  2. hah yeah, she looks cute, but is actually quite a handful! lol
